About Us
The HealthCity
The Health City is a tech-enabled social enterprise whose work focuses on preventive health services and education. Through our website thehealthcityonline.com we provide preventive health education for adolescents and young people in order to reduce the incidence and prevalence of chronic non communicable and infectious disease via our website....

Sexual Health

Mental Health

Fitness and Diet
What We Offer
Sexual Health
Sexual health is more than freedom from sexual disease or disorders, Sexual health is non-exploitive and respectful of self and others
Fitness and Diet
“Instead of focusing on all the reasons you CAN’T do something, you need to focus on all the reasons you CAN do something.”
Mental Health
“Being able to be your true self is one of the strongest components of good mental health.” — Dr. Lauren Fogel Mersy
Need Someone to talk to?
Book an appointment to have a chat session with a qualified medical professional
Kindly note that this service is only available from 9am to 7pm
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Kindly note that this service is only available from 9am to 7pm