What is Body Mass Index ?


The Body Mass Index (BMI) is the calculation of a person's weight in kilograms divided by the height (square) in metres.that is, weight(kg)/height²(m).


The body mass index can be used to determine your nutritional status. Knowing your BMI status is important in helping you know where you stand as regards your weight. Surely, being overweight is not healthy, likewise being underweight. When you know your status, then you can decide on steps to take to get you the normal weight that is healthy.


It's the BMI shows if a person is underweight, overweight, obese or has normal weight.

  A person is underweight if the BMI value is below 18.


A person has normal weight if the BMI value is between 18 and 24.9


 An overweight person will have the BMI value between 25 to 29.9


A person with obesity grade 1 has the BMI value between 30 to 39.9


 Obesity grade 2 BMI value is between 40 and above.


How is it calculated?


For example if the assumed weight is 60kg and the height is 1.65m;


The BMI = 65kg/1.65m² = 65/2.7225

BMI= 23.8

23.8 is a normal weight.


Calculate your BMI today, that's the first step to knowing if your weight is healthy. Follow the steps and voilà!



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