I have read and heard people say that ovulatory signs are closely related to pregnancy signs. Why? The hormones regulating these activities are the same. The oxytocin, prolactin, FSH, LH, are huge actors during the menstrual cycle.

Also, these processes are regulated by action hormones, which serves as a signal to the body, a manual of instruction. So, it should notcome as a surprise anymore, when you hear or feel like this, anymore.


In an average 28-day menstrual cycle, ovulation typically occurs about 14 days before the start of the next menstrual period. Like I discussed in the previous article, in most women, ovulation occurs the three-days before or after the midpoint of the menstrual cycle.

If, like many women, you do not have a perfect 28-day menstrual cycle, you can determine the length and midpoint of your cycle by keeping a menstrual calendar.


The signs of ovulation differ, from woman to woman. But this article will discuss the likely ones that are experienced, on the average.


CHANGE IN VAGINAL SECRETION: prior to ovulation, you might observe an increase in your vaginal secretion. It might appear clearer, more wet and stickier. These vaginal secretions disappear towards the end of ovulation, by becoming less cloudy and noticeable.

CHANGE IN BASAL BODY TEMPERATURE: the body's temperature at rest (basal body temperature) increases slightly during ovulation. Using a thermometer designed to measure basal body temperature, take your temperature every morning before you get out of bed.

Mittelschmerz – this refers to abdominal pain in the region of the ovaries at the time of ovulation, either generalized or on alternating sides of the lower abdomen, corresponding to the side of ovulation. It goes away when the ovulation window is closed.


Active sense – many women experienced a heightened sense of smell during ovulation and may even be able to sense the precise moment of ovulation.


LIBIDO– it is common to have a higher sexual drive in the days immediately prior to ovulation.


Ovulation may also cause:

• light bleeding or spotting

• breast tenderness

• Back ache

• Irritability


Not everyone experiences symptoms with ovulation, so these signs are considered secondary in tracking your ovulation.


These cardinal signs of ovulation are not a standard but are flexible, as it differs from women to women. Whatever you feel at every point in your menstrual cycle is valid and might not be found in any written article.

What is key is understanding your body and knowing when there is a deviation from normal.

You are as peculiar as your body come and these signs are adapted to you. So, own it!



Thank you.

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