Natural Remedies for Catarrh

Imagine having to blow your nose while sitting on a bus with other people. One loud blow and heads will turn in your direction. Some passengers will even give you that look of disgust.

Embarrassing, right? 

Everyone has had at least one experience with catarrh. Catarrh is an accumulation of mucus in the nose, sinuses or back of the throat. It's also called postnasal drip because, in this condition, mucus drips down the throat.

The respiratory tract produces mucus to keep the tract moist and remove inhaled particles that are potentially harmful. This is usually a silent process without runny noses or the need to clear your throat but with infection, it's an ugly story.

About 1 to 2 quarts (4 to 8 cups) of mucus is produced daily. When there's an infection, the mucus accumulates and you begin to have catarrh with symptoms like:

  1. Throat clearing
  2. Scratchy or raspy speech
  3. The feeling of fluid dripping into your throat
  4. Swallowing often
  5. Sore throat
  6. Cough
  7. Headache

Common causes of catarrh are allergies, infections like the common cold and environmental changes. Catarrh may be chronic and last for months. In this case, you should see your doctor.

Below are 5 natural therapies for catarrh.

1. Do a nasal saline rinse

Salt will reduce inflammation by keeping out pathogens and reducing mucus. To make a nasal saline solution you require the following:

  • 2 cups of distilled or boiled water.
  • 1 teaspoon of non iodized salt
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda (optional)

If you're using tap water, boil for at least 15 minutes and allow it to cool. Mix your ingredients and use the salt water to Irrigate your nose using a neti pot. If you don't have a neti pot, a bulb syringe or squeeze bottle will do.

2. Sip warm water

Warm water is great for rehydration and thinning mucus for easy removal. Be sure to drink distilled or properly boiled water so that you don't introduce pathogens into your body.

3.Inhale steam

Another way to get rid of excess mucus is by steam inhalation. Inhaling moist vapour helps to thin the mucus in the airway and gives you temporary relief. Here's how to go about:

  1. Get a bowl of hot water
  2. Cover the back of your head with a towel.
  3. Gently lower your head towards the hot water.
  4. Stay in that position for about 2-5 minutes while inhaling the vapour.

Keep your bowl of hot water in a steady position to avoid spillage. Also, be careful not to get too close to the hot water to avoid burns.

4. Try Tumeric

Tumeric has been used especially in India for its many health benefits. It's proven to have antimicrobial, anti inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Below are a few ways you can use turmeric for catarrh:

  1. Make turmeric tea by mixing turmeric powder with honey and lime juice.
  2. Turmeric milk tea: Mix 1/4 tsp turmeric powder in a glass of warm milk.

5. Use of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is great for many health conditions including catarrh. It contains lauric acid which has antimicrobial and anti inflammatory properties. Simply put coconut oil in a dropper and apply 2-3 drops in each nostril. Massage your nose gently for the oil to spread.


Using these natural remedies is a healthy way to cure your catarrh. They've been used for centuries and still find relevance today. If your catarrh persists, you should visit your doctor.

Glorious Kate Akpegah

Glorious Kate Akpegah is a medical student at the University of Calabar. She enjoys writing health and wellness articles to help inform the public and promote a healthy lifestyle.

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  1. Olabintan Odunola says:

    Thank you for sharing

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