How to cope with the stigma of addiction

Drug addiction is a treatable medical condition and not a choice as many people see it as. Anyone can get addicted no matter their social status, education leveland beliefs.

Sadly, people who use drugs face all kinds of stigma which is a major factor preventing them from getting help. Before I dive into how people who use drugs can cope with the stigma of addiction, I will like to talk about the types of stigma.

1. Self Stigma: This is a type of stigma whereby the person internalizes negative messages about drug use and applies them. It can lead to low self-esteem.

2. Social Stigma: This is the negative labels and messages given by society to people who use drugs as well as their families.

3. Structural Stigma: There are policies in health and social services that increase stigma such as not providing services until the drug use is managednot giving proper attention or services to people that use drugs etc.

How do you cope with the stigma of addiction :

It has been stated that YES, people who abuse drugs get stigmatized. Such acts should therefore be stopped and penalized. How you can cope are:

Accept yourself: Refusing to accept that you use drugs is a huge barrier to successful recovery from addiction. The first step in coping with the stigma of addiction is realizing and accepting that you use drugs and it can be treated.

Speak to your therapist: You have to communicate with your therapist to relieve the feeling surrounding the stigma and understand the science behind addiction to debunk any false beliefs about addiction.

N:B - You have to make sure your therapist is emphatic and not judgemental to be able to cope with the stigma of addiction.

Engage with your support system: For you to be able to cope with the stigma of addiction, you have to communicate with your support system. Your support system includes your loved ones, your support groups or your guardian. You have to open up about your feelings and your recovery process.

  You can also share your experience with other people that use drugs. You need each other to pull through this process of recovery.

Self Care: This is very important in coping with the stigma of addiction. You can only control what you think of yourself and not what others think You are important, so indulge in more self-care practices.

Society, friends, family and neighbours who see drug users as a disgrace or embarrassment will never help to solve anything but only make drug users go into hiding or not willing to receive treatment. It might take a while to correct that belief but it should not take long before you reach out for help. You are important.

Do you believe that drug addiction is not a choice but a treatable medical condition?

How willing are you to help someone cope with the stigma of addiction?

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