Conquering self-esteem Issues
Do you fight hard to stare at your reflection? Do you always think little of yourself and believe you can never be more? Or have thoughts that you’re not worthy of the accolades and compliments people give you? If yes, then you may be diffident. If any of the questions above resonate with you, that means you suffer from low self-esteem.
What is low self-esteem?
Low self-esteem is a lack of self-worth, confidence, or disbelief in one’s self and abilities. These beliefs can color one’s view about themselves and make them have negative and degrading thoughts that will plunge them further into low self-esteem.
Causes of low self-esteem
Low self-esteem may stem from experiences that may color your thoughts and beliefs about yourself. These unpalatable experiences range from bullying to body shaming. This always creates negative thoughts about self-worth and esteem. Teenagers often suffer from low self-esteem especially if they do not meet the high standards set by their age mates.
Low self-esteem can also be health-related. Someone who suffers from anxiety, depression, substance abuse, or eating disorders can suffer from it. People with low self-esteem find it difficult to get back on their feet after they have been hit by daunting challenges.
Effects of low self-esteem
If you have low self-esteem, you may have difficulty building great relationships with people, accepting criticism and rejection or taking up tasks you are capable of. In the long run, low self-esteem can harm your mental health and affect your daily life activities. In extreme cases, one could resort to substance use or alcoholism.
Conquering low self-esteem
There are proven steps you can take to feel better about yourself. According to Mayo Clinic, low self-esteem can be boosted if you follow suggested mental health counseling tips.
Identify situations that trigger low self-esteem
This could range from a toxic work environment to an abusive spouse or personal crisis. Note them down and seek out ways to tackle them when they arise.
Appreciate yourself more
There’s a popular saying that goes thus: “If I nor feel myself, who go do am for me?” You will do yourself a lot of good if you give yourself a thumbs up or high five regularly. You’re a spec. Give yourself some accolades.
Let go of negative thought patterns
That critical, condemning voice in your head talking you down, shut it up! Your thoughts should be positive. Think highly of yourself. Whenever situations that trigger low self-esteem arise, wisely tackle them without deflating your self-worth.
Build positive relationships
And break off negative ones. Don’t be in circles that would do nothing but body-shame, degrade or belittle you. It is toxic and detrimental to your mental health. Unfortunately, such circles are made up of families, friends, spouses, or work colleagues. However, you can work your way around it by calmly but firmly making them understand you do not appreciate their demeaning words. Negative energy should be far away.
Take up tasks
You wouldn’t know if you will succeed or fail at something if you don’t take it up. Get involved in tasks that will challenge you. Try something new. With every adventure you go on, you boost your confidence. In the long run, you will realize that what you cannot do doesn’t exist.
Stop overthinking
Sometimes, imposter syndrome can be a lot. You start overthinking instead of just acting. A lot of what-ifs fill your head and before you know it, that idea is either in the draft log or trash. Declutter your mind. If you have a plan to do something, Nike will advise you to ‘Just do it!’
Talk to a mental health professional
Mental health challenges can be tackled by professionals especially when the cases are traumatic. Book a session with one and be open so that the issues can be easily identified and also, healing will not be difficult.
Stop comparing yourself with others
Instead of trying to meet up with the standards society has put in place, set your own goals and try to achieve them. Comparison does no good. If you want to overcome low self-esteem, you must understand that you’re unique and have a purpose different from that of others. Learn to live your life in a way that pleases you.
Overcoming low self-esteem can be challenging and time-consuming. Sometimes, you may feel nothing is changing. You may even want to rebuild the bridges you once burnt because you do not see improvements. This is me encouraging you to keep going. Stop only if you need an energy drink. Until you conquer low self-esteem, surmount the hurdles.
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