Body Dysmorphic Disorder: How to gain confidence in your own body

Hey Demi, can we go out together today? it has been a while since you went out with us, I asked my friend. No, she responded, I don't feel like going out. 

Why? I asked. 

Then she stood up, what do you mean by why? Can't you see my face, can't you see the way my nose is shaped, my leg is not as straight as yours, my eyes do not have the perfect shape like Titi's, my lips are too big, my face is not symmetrical and my forehead is too huge. 

Why am I looking this ugly? I look hideous, the mirror can't lie, look(beckoning me to look at how she looks in the mirror).

(Seeing her, I told her) No, you don't Demi. You are not ugly neither are you hideous.

(She replied) That is because you are my friend but other people do not feel the same way. I feel that when I step out of the house, that is all everybody is looking at when they stare at me.

They are judging me and they are laughing at me. I can't go out with you guys anymore looking like this. Even with the face cap, sunglasses, and baggy clothes I wear, nothing changes.

I am so ugly, I feel like dying, she began to wail.

Everyone probably has a flaw in their body that they wish they can change but when there is constant worry and anxiety about that flaw or many more flaws, in extreme cases thoughts of suicide. Then it is called "Body Dysmorphic Disorder". 

Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a mental health condition that results in a person intensely focusing on his/her appearance and body image, repeatedly checking the mirror, grooming or seeking reassurance, sometimes for many hours each day. 

The perceived flaw and the repetitive behaviours cause significant distress and impact his/her ability to function daily in life. Numerous cosmetic procedures may be pursued to try to "fix" the perceived flaw. 

At a particular point in our lives, we might have met people with this disorder or probably we might be living with this condition. How can you gain confidence in your own body, you ask?

  • Seek Professional Help: There are diverse treatment plans that are available to help you boost your self-image such as cognitive behavioural therapy, medications and hospitalisation when necessary. These are all important in helping you gain confidence in your body.
  • Get the Right Support System: To gain confidence in your body, you have to stay with healthy friends who do not bring you down but provide a safe space for you to discuss how you feel and what they can do to make you feel better.
  • Try as much as possible to not self-isolate: Self-isolation often causes loneliness and loneliness pushes our mind to think negatively. Negative thoughts about how you look might increase when you self-isolate and this might destroy every ounce of confidence that you can gain in your body. To gain confidence in your body, spend more time with your loved ones and spend less time in isolation. 
  • Understand your triggers: To gain confidence in your body, you might want to look into what triggers your concern and anxiety and how you respond to each trigger. So that you will be able to know what to avoid or what to do in such a situation. Communicating these triggers to your loved ones can also assist them in knowing how to assist and support you.
  • Take good care of yourself: You can gain confidence in your body by getting physically active, eating healthy food, learning relaxation and stress management, participating in activities you enjoy etc.

However, remember that it is one step at a time. You don't have to try and do it all at once. Baby steps okay, baby steps. Do know that however you are perceiving your look at the moment, YOU are BEAUTIFUL, YOU are HANDSOME, YOU ROCK!!!!

How confident are you in your body?

Do you think there is a perfect body without flaws?

Kindly engage and comment.

Thank you.


Opeyemi Alalade

Opeyemi Alalade is a clinical physiologist at the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital. She is a content writer interested in writing educative and informative articles. She is also interested in participating in medical outreach. 

You can connect via her social medial platforms or send her an email.

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