
It is in simple terms the lack or absence of ovulation which is a term used to describe the failure of a woman’s ovary to produce mature or release ova (egg). Ovulation occurs as a result of a coordinated hormonal response to the sex hormones, therefore an imbalance in the level of these sex hormones can cause ovulation. Anovulation is quite common as most women will experience anovulatory cycles at some point during their reproductive lives, most commonly in women close to menarche or menopause due to changing hormonal levels.


Many things can cause anovulation. One of the causes is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) which you can read about here. Others include thyroid disorders, immature hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian (HPO) axis as seen in young girls in the first few months of attaining menarche and other HPO disorders. Other causes that can cause this condition are stress, extremes of weight fluctuations, and intense exercise on the body.


Anovulation cycles can present without noticeable symptoms unless it is being tracked using hormonal ovulation kits. However, women can be on the lookout for some symptoms that might suggest anovulation. These include irregular menstrual periods or the lack of them, menstrual bleeding heavier or lighter than usual, and for conscientious women, the lack of “thicker” cervical mucus during ovulation.


The most important effect, we think, of anovulation is that when an egg is not released for fertilization, pregnancy cannot occur. This downstream effect, infertility, comes with lots of mental, physical, and emotional anguish. Dear readers, it is not advisable to read these symptoms and confirm if you have anovulation or not. In fact, women who have been pregnant and given birth in the past might develop anovulation, thus, it is important that ovulation kits and consultation with a doctor, for instance, askthedoc, can help to diagnose this condition.


Although there are drugs which can be prescribed by the doctor to manage this condition, there are a few lifestyle habits you can do to manage and treat the condition. One of the important lifestyle changes you can adopt is to manage your weight, employ the right and safe measures to manage your weight and have a normal BMI. Others are reducing stress and stressful situations, eating a balanced diet and exercising.

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