Emergency contraception, according to the WHO (2021) refers to methods of contraception that can be used to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sexual intercourse. Not so surprisingly, there are myths about the use of emergency contraceptives. In this article we'll be dispelling these myths and providing you the actual truths (facts):
Using emergency contraceptives can cause infertility.
This is not true. While you may experience some side effects when using emergency contraceptives, there is no scientific backing that emergency contraceptives cause infertility. The WHO (2021), confirmed that drugs used for emergency contraception do not harm future fertility. There is no delay in the return to fertility after taking ECPs.
Emergency contraceptives induce abortion.
Emergency contraceptives do not cause abortion. These pills are used to prevent or interfere with the release of eggs which delays fertilization and conception. There is no scientific study or proof for ECPs interfering with implanted zygotes.
Emergency contraceptives can only be used a day after sex.
Emergency contraceptives are often referred to as “Morning After Pill” which may suggest it is used only the next morning, but that's not true. The pill can be used within five (5) days after sex. However, the earlier it is used, the more effective it will be.
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