In between the flinging of undergarments, sweating, kissing and exchange of bodily fluids during sex, never undermine the importance of cleaning up properly following sex. Irrespective of your gender, sexual hygiene after sex helps to get rid of the sweat buildup and spilled genital fluids including semen and vaginal secretions. Females especially need to prioritize cleaning up after sex as they are more prone to urogenital infections. Here are some essential cleanup practices following sex:

Immediately after sex, it is important to urinate to ensure all fluids are flushed out which helps to reduce the chances of getting a urinary infection. This is of utmost importance for the women as the path from the urethra to the bladder is very short making them more prone to infections

For men, it is less important for men to urinate after sex as the urethra in men is longer. However, it is still advisable for men to urinate after sex to eliminate any probability of ascending infections.

Sweating during sex is quite common. This necessitates the proper hygiene that both partners need to imbibe after the activity. However, women are particularly advised to simply use clean water and unscented soap to wash the vulva and surrounding areas from the front to the back. The vagina is self-cleansing. Hence, no DOUCHING or STEAMING is necessary.


It is so much easier to dump the sex toy aside once satisfaction has been gained. However, microorganisms are everywhere including in that sex toy that you left unclean. This can expose you to potential infection if not properly cleaned and stored appropriately. Different sex toys after different procedures to clean and disinfect after each use in readiness for next use. 

Clean your sex toys after use, an STD/STI could be waiting for you on your next use.

If you have an active sex life, you need a regular laundry schedule for your bedsheets. Surprisingly, many people recycle same bedsheet with various partners without changing it. This is further complicated by the fact that they spend ample time on same bed sleeping, binge watching movies and even eat in some instances.

There are certain skin infections and STIs that can result from use of unclean bed spreads. For instance, Trichomoniasis is an example of an STI that is highly infectious and can spread easily via dirty bedsheets. 

Scabies, a skin infection characterized by itchy skin can be passed through skin-to-skin contact during sex. Although, it could be gotten by other ways, it can sometimes be gotten from sharing an infected person’s clothes, towels and infected bedsheets. This is excluding certain conditions like flu that be contracted one partner is infected as certain viruses can be transmitted via infected surfaces

Clean bedsheets give better and cleaner sex experience.

Bolade Alonge

Bolade Alonge is a Pharmacist with experience in clinical practice with certifications in Public Health. She has a keen interest in Sexual and reproductive health education. You can send her an email and connect with her on social media:

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