Do you remember the first time you used a menstrual pad? Can you recall how you felt the first time you had to dispose of?


Yes, I guess that must have been challenging at first especially if you had boys at home or you were in a boarding school.

This is because disposing of menstrual hygiene products can be discomforting, especially for young girls with no prior experience on how to do that. Some people even find it awkward, but you have to use and dispose of them anyway.

So what are menstrual hygiene products?

Menstrual hygiene products are materials used to absorb or collect menstrual flow. They include disposable menstrual pads, reusable cloth menstrual pads, tampons, and menstrual cups. 

These products are used during menstruation to maintain proper genital hygiene. They are made from both natural and synthetic materials. Additionally, some of these products are single-use while others are reusable. Reusable products are more sustainable and advisable, however, single-use products are still in the market.


Importance of proper disposal

  • Maintaining personal and environmental hygiene.

To prevent toilet clogging and the avoidable drama it can bring

  • Saves you from unnecessary hide-and-trash

How best can you dispose of your menstrual products?

Disposing of menstrual waste is a bit challenging at first but it does not have to bother you. You just need to find a way of doing it and feel free to do it your way, but here's a guide:

  • Carefully remove the pad or tampon applicator. Roll the pad up tightly and neatly in a newspaper or tissue, so that the soiled part is on the inside. If you are using a menstrual cup, you can rinse it and sterilize it in boiled water for further use, but when you wish to no longer use it, rinse and wrap it in a biodegradable paper too.
  • Place the wrapped pad, tampon applicator or menstrual cup in a biodegradable disposal bag (black nylon bag). This makes it safer and easier to trash without feeling shy about it.


  • Collect disposal bags and trash them in a dustbin or trash can preferably a separate one. Toiletries and menstrual wastes should be kept in a separate bin since they may be hazardous. 
  • After you have finished trashing the waste, hand washing is the next most important step. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water (warm or running) for at least 20 seconds. This helps prevent germs from spreading and rinses the menstrual blood you come in contact with.


What are the risks when you do not dispose properly?

There are several risks related to improperly disposed menstrual hygiene products, some of which include:

  • Spread of infections 
  • Blocked drainage and sewage systems
  • Foul smell around the trash area

So the next time you need to dispose your menstrual hygiene products, do it without any awkwardness. Nearly every female menstruates and handling it like a queen is the exact way to do it.

Kemuel Kefas

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