The psychological distress of self-harm
Self-harm is the act of hurting oneself intentionally. Most people who self-harm are not attempting suicide; sometimes it is said to help express or control distressing thoughts or feelings, however self-harm can cause more damage to your health and safety than you may have intended.
Self-harm may go unnoticed by other people, and so many people who self-harm do so in private and may not seek help.
Self-harm may include behaviours such as:
- Cutting, burning or hitting yourself
- Participating in risky behaviour
- Abuse of drugs or alcohol
Signs that someone may be self-harming can include:
1. Mood disorders with tendency towards secrecy
2. Avoiding situations where you have to expose your arms or legs
3. Strange excuses for injuries
4. Withdrawing from usual activities which the person previously enjoyed.
Why might someone self-harm?
There are many reasons people self-harm, and the reason for each person is different.
Self-harm behaviour may be a way for someone to manage distress or painful feelings. It may give short-term relief from these feelings. Some people who self-harm may only do so once, whereas others self-harm frequently and for many years.
For most people, the feeling of relief after self-harming is only short term. This can result in a desire to self-harm again. Self-harming behaviour can occur in anyone at any age, including young people.
Reasons for self-harming may include:
- Dealing with distressing feelings and memories
- Communicating the need for support
- Self-punishment for feelings of guilt or shame
Identifying the triggers for self-harm can help control the impulse to cause pain by self-inflicted injuries to ones’ body. Some of these triggers for self-harm include:
- Bullying at work or school
- Relationship problems
- Low self-esteem
- Anxiety
- Dissociation
- Depression
People living with mental health concerns or those who have experienced physical, emotional or sexual abuse are at increased risk of self-harming.
How can you get help if you or someone you care for self-harms?
If you self-harm, it’s important to get help. Try to find supportive people who you feel comfortable with, can talk to and most importantly will listen without judgement.
If you have a friend or a family member you can trust, reach out to them to help you. You can also reach out to a counsellor in school or a mental health expert for help. Seeking help early can reduce the damage caused by self-harm and decrease your risk of self-harming in the future.
What can you do when you have the urge to self-harm?
- Distract yourself by doing an activity that you enjoy such as reading, creating art, journaling, listening to music or going for a walk.
- Instead of using a sharp object to cause pain, you can switch to an activity that will not cause injuries, such as holding ice cubes in your hands, wearing a rubber band on your wrist and snapping it when you feel you need to, or punching a pillow.
- Doing some deep breathing and relaxation exercises.
Reference: https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/self-harm
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