Academic performance and peer pressure


    When talking about the relationship between academic performance and peer pressure, we have to first understand both terms.

    Humans tend to make decisions based on the information circulating around them, especially when it comes from their peers. As students, our actions and inactions are somehow influenced by our friends. We want to feel among and not left out amidst our peers, and in the bid to do this, we make decisions that can either make or mar our academic performance.

Academic Performance and Peer Pressure

   Academic performance refers to how satisfactory or unsatisfactory one's educational achievement is.

   Peer pressure refers to the influence individuals of the same age have on one another's behaviour.




   There was a time in my life when I had to go for an academic preliminary program. This program was to span over the period of a year.

    When I arrived at this new place, I made friends over time. I had various groups of friends; the ones who were studious, the ones who didn't have to go over their notes repeatedly to understand what they were taught, these ones just had to be present in class and listen. And then there was the group who didn't put effort into reading at all.

   As time went on, I came to the realisation that it's left for me to determine the group of friends I'll roll with more, as it would greatly impact my academic performance in the course of the program. I then made a decision to relate more with my studious group of friends when it comes to matters relating to my academics.

    We researched together, trashed difficult topics together, did overnight together, studied and passed together.

    I guess it is safe to say that with this group of friends, their influence on me yielded a positive result as regards my academic performance.

Types of Peer Pressure

    Peer pressure can play out in various forms:

 Choice of clothing

 Manner of speech

 Outward disposition

 Self carriage

 Academic performance, etc.


Impacts of Peer Pressure on Academic Performance

   As students, we often catch ourselves leaning towards meeting up with the demand of our peers, especially during formative years. In the course of doing this, our educational journey can either be negatively or positively impacted.


Positive Impacts

  • -In a case whereby one is amidst friends that share the same academic foresight with you, peer pressure can encourage students to strive for academic excellence.
  • - When you relate well with peers who are doing well academically, you'll be able to observe their success without feeling intimidated. Hence, creating a healthy competitive environment that will spur you to work harder to achieve better results.
  • -Peer pressure can also have a positive impact on academic performance in a case whereby it fosters a sense of accountability amongst peers. With this, you'll be able to build responsible studying habits.
  • -  Positive impact of peer pressure can also inspire students to take part in the activities that go on within the learning walls, and this will help cultivate their growth.


Negative Impacts

  • - When the desire to fit in and seek validation from peers becomes greater than the desire to excel academically, students may be prompted to prioritise social activities over their studies.
  •  As the saying goes "too much of everything is bad ''. When non-academic pursuits like partying and socialising become too much, it would lead to poor time management, losing focus and decline in academic performance.
  •  When the above two occur, a student won't be able to study adequately, and would have to resort to malpractice such as cheating to acquire set grades.


Controlling Impact of Peer Pressure on Academic Performance.

  •  You have to develop a sense of self-awareness; understand your principles and what you stand for, then go ahead to make decisions that align with them.
  • - You also have to build a network of supportive friends who share the same academic goal with you. This would help to create a positive environment whereby you can encourage and uplift one another towards academic success.



    Positive peer pressure will impact your academic performance in a way that you'll excel in your academic pursuit, and negative peer pressure would only lead to a decline in your academic achievement.




Flourish Eniogo Olujinmi

Flourish Eniogo Olujinmi is a content writer who whips up words that convey the right message to the target audience and as well drives their engagement.
She is also a creative writer who loves to write about anything she deems beautiful.

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