Hidden Truth About Potatoes No One Has Ever Told You About!!
Potatoes are one of the healthiest vegetables because of their high levels of vitamins A, C, iron, potassium, and fiber. They are among the top 10 crops produced worldwide. This is because they are a good source of amino acids, carbohydrates, and vitamins and they barely contain any fat. Potatoes are much more nutritious than we think them to be. You can even make potatoes the main ingredient for many of your meals and be completely healthy.
In this article, you'll read about the health benefits of potatoes.
First, it's important to note that potatoes are available worldwide and all year round. You can eat them either whole (that's with the flesh) or peeled. Potatoes contain fiber, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals (plant nutrients that are beneficial to human health).
Health benefits of potatoes
1. Can help strengthen the bones.
Potatoes contain iron, phosphorous, calcium, magnesium, and zinc. Iron and zinc are important in the production and maturation of collagen. Phosphorus and calcium are also both important in bone structure. In all, these minerals help the body to build and maintain bone structure and strength.
2. Heart health.
The fiber, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, and vitamin B6 contained in potatoes, coupled with their lack of cholesterol, have been found to lower the risk of heart diseases. Potassium, calcium, and magnesium have been found to naturally decrease blood pressure, and the fiber present in potatoes lowers the amount of blood cholesterol.
3. Metabolism and digestion
Vitamin B6 helps break down carbohydrates and proteins into glucose and amino acids that are easily utilized for energy within the body. The fiber content in potatoes also helps prevent constipation. P.S: a medium-sized potato contains 30 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin B6. In addition, the high levels of plant sterols (phytosterols) in sweet potatoes may help protect the digestive system, and prevent (or manage) duodenal and gastric ulcers.
4. Cancer
Although no food has the superpower to cure cancer, potatoes contain folate. Folate prevents many types of cancer cells from forming due to mutations in the DNA. Potatoes also contain vitamin C and quercetin, which act as antioxidants. Antioxidants help protect the cells from free radicals that cause cancer. P.S: Studies have shown that potato peels contain antioxidants that may help reduce the oxidation process, thereby reducing the risk of cancer. To get the most of the nutrients from your sweet potatoes, don’t peel them, just wash them well before cooking.
5. Good for eye health and supports the immune system
The presence of beta-carotene in sweet potatoes is what gives them their bright flesh. When we eat beta-carotene, it is converted to vitamin A. The end result of this is that our night vision is improved and the overall health of the eye is maintained. Vitamin A is also important for maintaining the mucous membranes in the respiratory system and gut.
With all the goodies contained in this root, it's very important to prepare potatoes properly so you don't lose the nutrients. Avoid buying packaged potatoes. It is better to buy them unpackaged and unwashed to prevent bacterial buildup because washing potatoes too early can remove the protective coating from the skin. You can eat your potatoes alone, boiled, fried, or baked or you can combine them with other foods like vegetables, meat, and fish.
Although potatoes are considered a vegetable, they are not a too good option for people with diabetes or obesity because of their high carbohydrate (starch) content.
For bulk buyers like me, this article would be incomplete if we don't talk about how to store your potatoes.
- Potatoes should be stored in a dark, dry environment (such as a cellar or pantry) because exposure to sunlight can make them produce solanine which is toxic and makes them turn green. DO NOT refrigerate potatoes! Refrigerating converts their starch content into sugar and it can give an unpleasant flavour.
-Potatoes should NEVER be stored around onions. Both vegetables emit natural gases that cause each other to decay.
- Full-grown potatoes have a life span of up to 2 months. Be careful of putting rotten ones around good ones to prevent them from getting spoilt too.
Fun fact about potatoes (sweet potatoes)
Regardless of their common name, sweet potatoes are not just potatoes that are sweet. In actual fact, they are not even botanically related to the standard potato, which is a stem tuber. Sweet potatoes are the edible, enlarged roots of a flowering vine in the morning glory family while the standard potato belongs to the nightstand family.
I hope you have enjoyed reading this piece as much as I loved writing it. Till I come your way again, I'm Mide Oloruntobi and I'm saying "eat healthily."
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