My Mental Health Journey
" It is only when you are mentally stable that you can function properly".Teniola Bamigbola
For this interview, I have with me Teniola Bamigbola and she is ready to share with us what her mental health journey has been like. Enjoy!
Can we know you and what you do?
My name is Teniola Bamigbola, I’m a student and I’m studyingsociology. Also, I am passionate about helping adolescents andyoung people. I’m also currently working as a content creator leadfor The Health City.
Today seems like a great day, how do you feel?
I'm feeling pretty good.
Looking at the rate of suicide associated with depression, howseriously do you think people should get about taking care oftheir mental health?
I feel that everyone should be very serious and proactive about theirmental health because when you are mentally stable you canfunction properly
When do you know that your mental health is being attackedand what do you do in such situations?
I feel my mental health is being attacked when I’m stressed or underintense pressure or I go through something traumatic. I honestlytend to stay in my bubble and try to figure out and deal with thingsmyself.
Way to go girl! So, can you share what traumatic experience you might have gone through and how you got better?
A traumatic experience I went through was being sexually harassed and a year later I lost my dad. It was really hard but I had a good support system.
It must have been a great shock to you but I am happy you had a good support system.
How did it feel to have people who listened to you and supported you?
It felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders.
Have you ever listened to someone?
Yes, I have.
Great! What would you advise anyone who is going through any kind of traumatic experience and does not have a good support system to do?
Honestly talk to a professional.
In your terms, how would you describe your mental healthjourney?
I feel my mental health journey has been up and down. But rightnow I think I’m in a really good place.
Lovely! So, Why do you think that people do not want to reachout for help as regards their mental health?
Probably because they don’t want to be judged or discredited
What advice would you give to people who neglect their mentalhealth?
They are not alone and it feels good to get help.
" I honestly tend to stay in my bubble, try to figure and dealwith things myself when I know that my mental health is beingtriggered". Teniola
The way we all deal with situations differs but the most important thing is that we find our peace and we get the right help. I prefer tosort them out myself but when it is more than me, I reach out topeople.
What about you?
Do you prefer to deal with things by yourself or do you prefer toreach out to someone?
What would you describe as a good support system?
Kindly drop a comment as you read.
By Alalade Opeyemi
I am a health writer and enthusiastic about improving livesthrough the public dissemination of information about yourhealth.
LinkedIn: Opeyemi Alalade
Instagram: Precious_lados
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